Our Mission

To support, uplift, and connect independent organization development practitioners for the purpose of enhancing access to and the effectiveness of humanistic organizational consulting work in organizations.

Our Vision & Core Beliefs

We envision a future in which…

  • Companies of all sizes and structures have access to humanistic consulting.

  • Leaders of all backgrounds have access to developmental coaching that supports humanistic approaches to leadership.

  • Organization development practitioners can operate independently while in collaboration — not competition — with each other.

  • The business of operating as an independent practitioner is demystified — where future practitioners can establish themselves as independent consultants with the support of a community of colleagues, mentors, and thought partners.

  • Organizations benefit from the work of independent practitioners who are supported by a vibrant community of peers.

We believe…

  • That practicing independently does not have to mean practicing alone.

  • That the consortium model and communities of practice make us more effective.

  • That transparent business practices and knowledge sharing among practitioners is essential to enacting our values of humanism, equity, anti-oppression, and mutual support.

  • In disrupting the systems and practices that enforce extractive capitalism.